Growing Up Green

Our Curriculum

Our children’s days are organised in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), a government framework for the care and education of children comprising of the Statutory Framework including the standards for Early Years providers and welfare requirements used for the running of the nursery and planning and development of the setting. The EYFS also comprises Birth to Five Matters material which gives practitioners a guide for planning activities for children’s development and ages and stages through which they can do so.

Meeting individual and group needs

The EYFS guidance supports practitioners in planning for both individual and group needs, allowing us to centre planning for individual children and track learning whilst providing opportunities for children to flourish and develop. Using the Birth to Five Matters guidance ensures that key persons are flexible in their use of children initiated and adult guided activities and that we are receptive to children in real interaction.

The EYFS framework consists of both Prime and Specific areas of learning, as well as Characteristics of effective Learning. The prime areas are Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSE), Communication and Language (CL) and Physical Development (PD) and are the main focus when planning for under 2 year olds, considered to be fundamental principles to support development. The specific areas are Literacy (L), Mathematics (M), Understanding the World (UW) and Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) designed to support and extend essential skills and knowledge for children to successfully participate in society. These areas are mostly used when planning for children over the age of 2 years. Within every area there are aspects for practitioners to link children’s development to. All practitioners plan with the Characteristics for Effective Learning in mind – Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, and Creating and thinking critically.

Whilst at Growing Up Green both parents, carers and children will benefit from our fully implemented key person system, meaning that planning is based around individual children’s interests taken from the activities and toys that they have particularly enjoyed during the week at nursery or home. We welcome parents and carers to get actively involved within the nursery and regularly ask for your input into your child’s learning, whether this is verbal, written or through our Famly App.

Within each room, activities, resources and the room layout itself are structured to give children an environment which enables them to enjoy and achieve, whilst giving that homely feel and extending development. The emphasis is on learning through play and planning activities that children actively participate in.

Makaton is used with all our age ranges to encourage the desire to communicate with others, even when language is not yet fully developed.

At Growing Up Green we promote a curiosity approach to learning through careful planning, to inspire a sense of awe and wonder in our little ones.  All of our nursery practitioners understand the importance of early childhood interactions and experiences and know when to extend children’s learning. We are currently introducing the Shrec language approach with our team. This approach is centred around meaningful, child lead interactions with adults that can expand and develop the child’s engagement and therefore their language and learning. Staff are encouraged to comment on play rather than question, allowing children time to process conversations and respond accordingly.

To ensure that we are meeting individual needs we assess and evaluate our plans daily, weekly, termly and yearly so that throughout the nursery all children are meeting their potential. We use Famly – an online learning tool to map and share children’s learning journeys. Key persons upload written and photographic observations which are then linked to the EYFS for parents and carers to view and reply to if they wish. Parents are also able to update their child’s learning journey with their own observations giving a lovely way of including those special moments from home into the nursery environment.

Famly is a secure database and parents only have access to their own children’s learning journals. Parents use Famly to have direct contact with their child’s key worker and team throughout the day, contact the management team and can see their child’s learning journey. We ask permission for children to be included in others photographs and ask that no information is ever shared over social media. Parents can talk to us about the level of privacy they would like to have for their child. Observations may be planned or spontaneous, and we record all aspects of children development. When the time comes for your child to leave nursery, their Famly file can be saved for you to take home.