Growing Up Green

Arrivals and Departures

Including Child collection and non-collection

At Growing up Green we understand the importance of safety and security for all children in our care as well as staff, parents, carers and other visitors. The following procedures help us underpin the security principles of the nursery setting.

Signing in and out procedures


Each room has a tablet that holds the Family app where the staff will find their register. They are able to sign the children in and out via the app, which automatically gives a sign in/sign out time. The office holds a paper copy of the register where children are signed in each morning and each afternoon. Staff must ensure that any person collecting the child is the parent or a person the parent has expressed permission – see child collection section.


Staff are signed into the Family app by management to allow them access to use the app. All staff must also sign in and out of the staff register in the entrance when entering and leaving the building. This is essential in case of a fire evacuation. All staff including agency and bank staff must be let in by a permanent staff member.

Parent and Carers

Parents/Carers need to use the intercom buzzer on the side of the main entrance door to alert staff they have arrived. Senior staff or Management will meet them at the door and let them in to drop off, or pick up their child. Parents are not expected to sign in or out of the nursery unless they are staying for a longer period of time, in this case they would need to be treated as a visitor.


All visitors who arrive at the nursery need to be met at the door by a member of staff. The staff member needs to check the persons ID and ask them to sign in the visitor’s book located in the entrance hall. Visitors will be escorted around the nursery at all times. Professional visitors such as BHISS, early year’s advisors, OFSTED and training advisors will also be asked to present their DBS check and this will be recorded on the visitors DBS list. In the case they are unable to present their DBS they will be supervised around the nursery at all times and will be asked to present it on their next visit. Staff must check with management before letting any visitors enter the nursery.

Front door access

All parents and staff are aware that they must not admit any other person to the nursery building. Everyone has to use the nursery buzzer to alert staff they have arrived, they will then be welcomed into the building by a senior member of the team. Permanent staff will use door security keypad to access entry to the building. Everyone is vigilant that no child leaves the nursery unless supervised by an adult (Person over the age of 18). Parent/Carers/Visitors and staff are reminded to ensure all doors are closed behind them when entering or leaving the building.

Child collection policy and procedure

  • When a child starts the nursery all parents are asked to provide us with information regarding who is allowed to collect their children from nursery. Only people 18 or over will be authorised to collect a child from nursery. We ask for:
    • Persons full name and relationship to child.
    • A recent photograph
    • A password that the person will be asked by a staff member on the door. They cannot gain access to the building until the password has been given.

This information is all recorded and two copies are made. One copy is kept with the child’s registration form in the office and the other in the collection folder of the child’s room. Unless told otherwise these people will be allowed access to the nursery and collect the child.

  • In the event of an emergency where the parent and the emergency contacts are unable to collect the parent must inform the nursery of whom will be collecting their child and at what time. The member of staff will then complete a collection form for that day, we will ask for the persons full name, description, photograph and a password. When the person arrives to collect the child a member of staff will go to the door and ask to see I.D containing the persons full name, they will also be asked to provide the password. This person will only have permission to collect on that day.
  • At collection time the nursery reserves the right to not hand over the child if we believe that the person collecting is not a fit state to safely take charge of the child. For example if the person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or where the child is seen to be at significant risk or harm.

Non-collection of a child

  • In the event of a parent collecting late the parent needs to contact the nursery. Late charges will apply depending on how late the parent is and the circumstances. The child will be supervised at the nursery with a minimum of two members of staff with at least one being a senior member of staff. The child will be reassured and well cared for to ensure that no distress is caused.
  • If a child has not been collected after 6pm and the parent has not made contact with the nursery, a member of staff will try and call both parents by personal and work contact numbers, the manager will also be contacted. If no contact has been made by 6.15, we will then try to call the emergency contacts we have on file for that child to see if they can collect.
  • If this is unsuccessful and after continuous attempts to contact parents and emergency contacts have failed, the manager Sinead Mundoma (in her absence the deputy manager Kate Dobson) and one of the nursery owners Clare Crosby-Adams and Adrienne Blackwell will make the decision for when to contact the Emergency Duty Service to speak to a qualified social worker. They will then advise us on what to do next, and who else will need to be contacted.
  • A full written report will then need to be written about the incident and OFSTED will be contacted within five working days unless directed otherwise.

Important numbers:
Emergency Duty Service 01273 335905 / 01273 335906
OFSTED 0300 1231231

Updated: April 2024 by Kate Dobson Review Date: April 2025
This policy is for all parents, staff and volunteers at Growing Up Green